3 weeks of holidays ..
Finally come to an End !

Man , dont wanna go back laa ..

Go back to campus ..
going back to the boring & dull life !

:: sleep :: eat :: class :: bath :: chat :: TV :: Wash ::

oh mann ~ NOOOOO !
4 years moreeee ~
sometimes , really regret that i take this course .
sometimes I appreciated GOD given me this opportunity !

GoodBYe !


I'LL be back for Gary's CONCERT !






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Since I'm having my Sem Breakie ~

sO , I went to my mom's kindergarten to help .

wow ! Such a long time dint go there .
Some of them still remember me ,
some of them not ! * doink *

hmm ~
all of them cutee !

especially the afternoon section .
named Bin Bin !
aww ~
today I purposely go there to see him .
If not no chance already ~


After dismiss , his family not yet come to fetch him ,
so .. I played football with him ,

wa seh ! =,=
the sun is soooo HOT !
running under the HOT sun .
haihhhh ~ >
sweattiingg man !
But he looks so ENJOY lo !
I'm the person who 'kutip' the ball .. aikzz ..

at last , he went back d ..

harrrhhhhwww . ~


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I've bought a magz called Men's Health .

YAh ~ it's a man magz ..
but .. the cover was Gary Chaw !
ahaha ! Sexy him ..

Wanna see what he said ?

visit here .. CLICK !

kekeke ~ how ?!
Nose bleeding ??

anyways , just wanna share with you guys ...
there's something that he said in this magz that ... meaningful .

Gary said " My family comes first and I make sure they get all the support they needed."

:: Knowing who is important to you is vital
   because they are the one who shape you
  gently lead you to become who you are today ::

Love him .. muaxxx ! 

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Nothing to do at home ..

so ... decorated my Laptop lo ..
Make it more 'colourful' .
LOLx !

before ..

and ..

After ..

haha !
Hopefully wont too ..

* Kua Chueng * LA !


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好久没去 理发了 ~

感觉头发越来越厚 。。

开始讨厌它们了 ~~~!

今天 ..

终于 解脱了 ! 哈哈 !!


因为, 我打算继续留长啊 ~

连理发师 也一直重复地问我 ..


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地点 : Selayang Mall 大厅

时间 : 3 pm

今天,终于可以到场支持 DANNY ONE 了 !

打从 E-MALE就开始注意他了 !

就是很喜欢那首叫做 〖COOL 〗的歌~ 嘻嘻 !

而且他们3个的签名,我只是拿到DANNY 的而已 ~ >

而且有一个时期,不大喜欢他, 因为他的造型吧 , 很啦啦 ~

但是,还是很喜欢他的创作 !

真的好久好久没有见到他了 !


但是他的表现一点也不逊色哦 !!

还讲了很多笑话 ~ 所以地一点都不冷场 ~

第一场就真的多人了 !


这张专辑是他7年音乐路的记录 !

里面有18首歌,全部都是有它的故事的哦 !

有些是为歌手创作的 、广告的、电视剧的 等等 ~

我觉得他的音乐都很有意思、意义 ~

都环绕这现在的社会现象 。

〖 一起祷告〗这首歌,是为了地球、环保而写的 。

歌词真的很有意思 !喜欢 !!

他的招牌动作 , RAPPING的时候 。 哈哈 !

与歌迷玩游戏 。
他竟然欺负小妹妹,把手放在她的头上! 哈哈 !
还说, 他发了一个 儿童歌的专辑 ~ >

最后,可以与他合照 !

加油 , DANNY ONE !

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就是我要收养的小狗啦 !

一共有4只,可是我们只收养1 只

因为 ....... 4只太辛苦了啦 !

随处大小便 , 地雷真的很多!


[ LILO ]


哈哈 ~

没什么特别原因 , 就是特别啊 ! 哈哈 !

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Chiisana koi no uta [小さな恋のうた] 

another japanese song that i love . heheee ~ 
click here to listen n sing along ! lol

Lyrics: Uezu Kiyosaku Music: Mongol 800

Hiroi uchuu no kazu aru hitotsu
Aoi chikyuu no hiroi sekai de
Chiisana koi no omoi wa todoku
Chiisa na shima no anata no moto he

Anata to deai toki wa nagareru
Omoi wo kometa tegami wo fueru
Itsushika futari tagai ni hibiku
Toki ni hageshiku toki ni setsunaku

Hibiki wa tooku haruka kanata he
Yasashii uta wa sekai wo kaeru

Hora anata ni totte daiji na hito hodo
Sugu soba ni iru no
Tada anata ni dake todoite hoshii
Hibike koi no uta
Hora hora hora
Hibike koi no uta

Anata wa kiduku futari wa aruku
Kurai michi demo hibi terasu tsuki
Nigirishimeta te hanasu koto naku
Omoi wa tsuyoku eien chikau

Eien no fuchi kitto boku wa iu
Omoi kawarazu onaji kotoba wo
Soredemo tarizu namida ni kawari
Yorokobi ni nari kotoba ni dekizu
Tada dakishimeru tada dakishimeru

Hora anata ni totte daiji na hito hodo
Sugu soba ni iru no
Tada anata ni dake todoite hoshii
Hibike koi no uta
Hora hora hora
Hibike koi no uta

Yume naraba same nai de
Yume naraba same nai de
Anata to sugoshita toki
Eien no hoshi to naru

Hora anata ni totte daiji na hito hodo
Sugu soba ni iru no
Tada anata ni dake todoite hoshii
Hibike koi no uta

Hora anata ni totte daiji na hito hodo
Sugu soba ni iru no
Tada anata ni dake todoite hoshii
Hibike koi no uta
Hora hora hora
Hibike koi no uta






作詞: 上江洌清作 作曲: モンゴル800

広い宇宙の 数あるひとつ
青い地球の 広い世界で
小さな恋の 思いは届く
小さな島の あなたのもとへ

あなたと出会い 時は流れる
思いを込めた 手紙をふえる
いつしか二人 互いに響く
時に激しく 時に切なく

響きは遠く 遥か彼方へ
やさしい歌は 世界を変える

ほら あなたにとって大事な人ほど
ただ あなたにだけ届いて欲しい
響け恋の歌 ほら ほら ほら

あなたは気づく 二人は歩く
暗い道でも 日々照らす月
握りしめた手 離すことなく
思いは強く 永遠誓う

永遠の淵 きっと僕は言う
思い変わらず 同じ言葉を
それでも足りず 涙にかわり
喜びになり 言葉にできず
ただ抱きしめる ただ抱きしめる

ほら あなたにとって大事な人ほど
ただ あなたにだけ届いて欲しい
ほら ほら ほら


ほら あなたにとって大事な人ほど
ただ あなたにだけ届いて欲しい

ほら あなたにとって大事な人ほど
ただ あなたにだけ届いて欲しい
ほら ほら ほら

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这是'花样少年少女' 日剧的歌 !!
很有活力 ~

イケナイ太陽 (IKENAI taiyou) 
作詩/ 作曲:

Hoo イケナイ太陽 Na Na
Hoo IKENAI taiyou Na Na
Hoo bad sun Na Na

チョットでいいから 見せてくれないか
CHOTTO de ii kara misete kurenai ka
Just a little would be fine, won't you show me

お前のセクシー・フェロモンで オレ メロメロ
Your sexy pheromone is all over me

Ah ふれちゃいそう でも イケナイの!
Ah furechaisou demo IKENAI no!
Ah I'm about to touch, but I shouldn't

徐々に高なる鼓動 止められないわ
Jojo ni takanaru kougo tomerarenai wa
I can’t stop the rising beat

交わす言葉の 記憶遠く 口元の動きに揺れ動く
Kawasu kotoba no kioku tooku kuchi moto no ugoki ni yure ugoku
The memory of our exchanged words makes my mouth shiver till its pounding (needs tweaking)

濡れた髪を撫でた そして Ah
Nureta kami o nadeta soshite Ah
I stroked your wet hair and then Ah

ABC 続かない そんなんじゃ ダメじゃない
ABC tsuzukanai sonna n ja DAME ja nai
Not continuing the ABC***; that wouldn't do, would it

だって ココロの奥は違うんぢゃない?
Datte KOKORO no oku wa chigau n ja nai ?
Since what's inside this heart is different isn't it?

オレの青春 そんなもんじゃない 熱く奥で果てたいよ
ORE* no seishun sonna mon ja nai atsuku okude hatetai yo
My youth is not like that, I want to end it with a burning heart
* "ore" is male "I"

きっと キミじゃなきゃ ヤダよ 
Kitto KIMI ja nakya yada yo
Surely if it's not you it won't do

オレは イケナイ太陽 Na
ORE wa IKENAI taiyou Na Na
I am a bad sun Na Na


赤い糸」なんて絵空事 でも下心でさえ信じたいの
[Akai ito]nante esoragoto demo shita kokoro de sae shinjitai no
The [red thread]** seems like a made-up dream, but I want to believe from the bottom of my heart that..

俺は正しい キミも正しい
Ore wa tadashii KIMI mo tadashii
I am right for you, you as well are right for me

tonikaku mou sayuu sarenaize
there’s no need to care about anything else

騙し騙され胸うずく 下手な芝居が より盛り上げる夜
Damashi damasare mune uzuku hetana shibai ga yori mori ageru yo
When I go quiet I can't do anything since I am lame in pretending

息が耳に触れた二人 Ah
Iki ga mimi ni fureta futari Ah
My breath touches your ear, we both Ah

ABC 続かない そんなんじゃ ダメじゃない
ABC tsuzukanai sonna n ja DAME ja nai
Not continuing the ABC***; that wouldn't do, would it

だって ココロの奥は違うんぢゃない?
Datte KOKORO no oku wa chigau n ja nai?
Since what's inside this heart is different isn't it

あたしの青春 そんなもんじゃない 熱く奥で果てたいよ
Atashi* no seishun sonna mon ja nai atsuku okude hatetai yo
My youth is not like that, I want to end it with a burning heart
* "atashi" is female "I"

きっと キミじゃなきゃ やだよ 
Kitto KIMI ja nakya yada yo
Surely if it's not you it won't do

あたし イケナイ太陽
Atashi IKENAI taiyou
I am a bad sun


交わす言葉の記憶遠く 口元の動きに揺れ動く
Kawasu kotoba no kioku tooku kuchi moto no ugoki ni yure ugoku
The memory of our exchanged words makes my mouth shiver till its pounding (needs tweaking)

濡れた髪を撫でた そして Ah
Nureta kami o nadeta soshite Ah
I stroked your wet hair and then Ah

ABC 続かない そんなんじゃ ダメじゃない
ABC tsuzukanai sonna n ja DAME ja nai
Not continuing the ABC***; that wouldn't do, would it

だって ココロの奥は違うんぢゃない?
Datte KOKORO no oku wa chigau n ja nai?
Since what's inside this heart is different isn't it

オレの青春 そんなもんじゃない 熱く奥で果てたいよ
ORE no seishun sonna mon ja nai atsuku okude hatetai yo
My youth is not like that, I want to end it with a burning heart

きっと キミじゃなきゃ やだよ 
Kitto KIMI ja nakya yada yo
Surely if it's not you it won't do

オレは イケナイ太陽
ORE wa IKENAI taiyou
I am a bad sun

絡み合う糸は 君と俺を結ぶ赤い糸 Na Na
Karami au ito wa kimi to ore wo musubu akai ito Na Na
The intertwined thread is the red thread** that binds us together

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this is the theme song of ...  求婚大作战

明日晴れるかな (ashita hareru ka na)
桑田佳祐 (Kuwata Keisuke)

atsui namida ya koi no sakebi mo
The hot tears and the cry of love

kagayakeru hi wa doko e kieta no?
Where have those glorious days gone?

asu mo ate na kimichi wo samayou nara
If tomorrow as well we wander off the road to our goal

kore ijou moto ni wa modorenai
From now on there is no turning back

mimi wo sumaseba kokoro no koe wa
If I listen carefully, the voice of my heart

boku ni nani wo katari kakeru darou
what would it have to tell me?

ima mayou nureta machi no katasu ni ite
Though I stand in this lost wet corner of the town

ano koro no sora wo omou tabi ni
That sky back then, I'll remember everytime

神より賜えし孤独や trouble
kami yori tamaeshi kodoku ya trouble
Loneliness and troubles bestowed upon us from God

nakitai toki wa nakina yo
Just make us cry when we desire to

kore ga sadame deshou ka?
Is this my fate?

akirameyou ka?
Should I give up?

kisetsu wa meguru mahou no you ni
The seasons return just like magic


Oh baby no maybe

愛失くして 情も無い
'ai' nakushite 'jou' mo nai?
Without "love" there is no "passion" either

nageku you na furi
Free to grieve about it

yo no naka no seini suru dake
For it is the consequence of society

Oh baby you're maybe..

哀失くして 楽は無い
'ai' nakushite 'raku' wa nai
Without "love" there is no "comfort"

shiawase no feeling
The feeling of happiness

抱きしめて One more time
dakishimete one more time
Embrace it one more time


arishihi no onore wo ai suru tame ni
For the sake of loving your past self

omoide wa utsukushiku aru no sa
Recall on the beautiful memories that you have

tooi kako yori mada minu jinsei wa
More than the faraway past, the life that has yet to unfold

yume hitotsu kanaeru tame ni aru
Exists to make that one dream come true

kiseki no doa wo akeru no wa dare?
Who will open the door of the miracle?

微笑みよ もう一度だけ
hohoemi wo mou ichi do dake
Smile, just once more

kimi wa kizuku deshou ka?
Have you realized it yet?

sono kagi wa mou
That that key is already

kimi no te no hira no ue ni
On the palm of your hand


Why baby oh tell me

愛失くして 憎も無い
'ai' nakushite 'zouo' mo nai
Without "love" there is no "hate" either

mite minai you na furi
Free to not foresee

sono mi wo mamoru tame
In order to protect that somebody

Oh baby you're maybe

mou sukoshi no shoubu ja nai
It is not just a little game

くじけそうな Feeling
kujikesou na feeling
This broken feeling

乗り越えて One more chance
norikoete one more chance
I will overcome it for one more chance


I talk to myself

Oh baby, no maybe

愛失くして 憎も無い
'ai' nakushite 'jou' mo nai?
Without "love" there is no "passion" either

nageku you na furi
Free to grieve about it

nokoru no wa koukai dake
What is left are only regrets

Oh baby smile baby

sono inochi wa towa ja nai
Life is not forever

daremo ga hitori hitori mune no naka de
Everyone, one by one, whispers to themselves

sotto sasayaiteiru yo
Softly in their hearts

ashita hareru ka na?
"Will it be fine tomorrow?"

haruka sora no shita...
Underneath the distant sky...

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