wrote something like this on a TABLE ?!

when I read this . I really pissed off with what a SENIOR did .
A SENIOR ! who is going to graduate next year, and going to teach in a school . A teacher , shouldn't have this kind of thought "racism" . If a teacher has that , he/she cant really be a good teacher .
"Cina Bodoh" .. ><"
I really hope the SENIOR can put himself in others shoes . if someday someone write "Malay Bodoh" or "India Bodoh", how will it feel ? it's just " Kurang ajar budak ne ! Mampus la ko ! ". NO . It's more than that ...... If this happened in primary schools or secondary schools , we're still ok about it . BUT ... wait ! It's in a TEACHER college . A place which trains FUTURE TEACHERs ! My coursemates and I were so dissapointed with this .
At first, we planned to report it to the office . we even planned to ask any of the lecturer to come and read what is written on that . but .. we think that the office will just ignore* it and then, no actions taken . now , regret we didnt bring that desk to the office . because , if the office really just IGNORE this case. that's really SPEECHLESS ! it means they really ......... sigh .
Well now , do we you think have to report it to the office ?
Honestly , I really hope the SENIOR knew what he did was totally wrong , as a TEACHER . what we hope is not the college punish the people for writing us "bodoh " yet .... to make he , himself ashamed for what he did .
Living in a country with different cultures . it's sometimes .... very hard .. everyone has their own different thoughts . sometimes i do feel hard to be with them , they dont understand me , i dont get them . and so the conversations ended with "smiling away" . but i believe there's some similairty between us . If one opens the heart try to understand another, it's another way round .
the " F " word . under that . i think , someone reply to that .. that's not a good way to reply though . should have be a better way . :D
so SENIOR , i hope you do a "refleksi" with what u had done .