Emm.. ab0ut this guy .. I know him since I was young .. But that time ..A playful guy , even me nor frens , don't know that he got talent in MUSIC ~ since he graduted from primary school, he started his journey to his dream ..
Let me intro him 1st ..
Name " Ludwig
D.O.B " 27th August 1988
Horoscope " Virgo
Occupation " student at LimKokwWing College - [ Sound & Music design ]
hm ~ he plays piAnO, dRum, gUitaR, bAsS, ceLLo N..... mAjOr in VioLin & vOcAL...
He has a slogan for himself . lolz . " No MUSIC NO LUDWIG " That's because he's music lover . IN his life, without music just like no food for him .. Right ??
lOve to siNg aLL dA tiMe...
lOvE to cOmPosT...
lOvE sOuND...
lOvE to pErfOrm
He got an EP before . I think he's doing his album . Perhaps , he'll take pat in MI3 or ATQ or any singing competition .. ^^
here's some pic of him ~!
[ He as the violinist when my chunrch's caroling ]
[ That's he ]
[ and this is how his EP look like .. 2 songs inside ]
I think that's all from me about him ..
http://media.putfile.com/alonedemo = the link to his song " Alone "
- Mar 30 Thu 2006 23:59
LUdWiG ~