Today I went for school meeting. I have got a temperary teacher job in a school . It's SERIOUSLY NOT EASY TO BE A TEACHER !! The "feel" is totally different with my practicum or internship in schools. When i got the timetable, I was like .. WHAT IS THIS ?! and I'm going to teach subjects that I never teach before .. eg. English, Geography, Art, Moral ....
Even if we trained to be a Chinese teacher, but when the time you get posted to a school , you will not get what you trained for. I wonder what I got for English, I really got-no-confident in teaching English. HAHAHAHA !! We all know primary English is easy , BUT your teaching skills are really important. AAAAAAHHHHH ~~~
it's okay, everything will be fine ..
As the bible said " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. " - Phil 4:13
31 Dec. The last day of 2012, need to go to school for another meeting. Was planned to hang out with friends, but now .... T,T