
toDayy .. my dear shared a love story with me ~
perhaps that's not a love story guaa ~ hee hee ~ her secret ?
hmm ~ cannot tell , bluek ~ haha

hmm ~ why i put " i like u , do u knOw that ?" ~
I guess u all know la .. cLever boys & girLs . .
ya , I do admire a guy ~ didnt talk with him b4 ~
just know what his name , & from what school onlyy ~ ONLY ~ ..
I regret that last year didnt join this class , maybe last year he oredi
in this class bahh ~

wHen u likes a boy or girl ~
izXit hard for u to start a topic & chat with him/ herr ?
that's y , until now . didnt say a word with him also ..
not dare to talk to him . . soo ~ what sould i do ? ? ? do nothing ~

for mee ~ study is more important laa~ SPM this year ..
failed it , i'll regret .LOVE ~ no one knows what's the meaning . .
it's hard to be explain , but u can feel itt ~ ya ? ^^

I dont know that did u all love a person without telling him ?
then did he/she knows that too ?

- missing youu `` -

    創作者 stephlau 的頭像


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