This kursus khas for the Unit beruniform , persatuan + ke;ab's pemimpin . Such as pengerusi , setiausaha , bendahari .... This year was my 2nd year to attend this kursus. My 1st year was .... when I'm form two gua .. kekeke ..
Ok , let me tell u guyus sth about the kursus , * reviews * .. We reached there at 7.30am SHARP . - this is what a pemimpin should have - Lolz . But hor .. we wait & wait until 8.30am baru start ! then my frens all start grumble that teacher not on time .. haha . all took out all the nilai moral & started a new topic .. After that , pendaftaran loo . Then grab a NIce place * 2nd row* , cannot 'fishing' -,-" haiz .. Anyways, it started with our principal's ceramah .. About what should a pemimpin have .. like kepercayaan kepada Tuhan , teladan kpd orang lain . etc . This all , we all know ady . So all think that this ceramah was useless . Next was our PK Koko 's ceramah . This better . He teahces us how to prepare a Kertas Cadangan for a club or something ~ okies ..
Then we have a break continues with a bengkel . I was so lucky ! Most of my group member was my classmates !! hahaa ~ That's y our group is crazee .. We choose Lim Kar Wing as our ketua .. = aiks = Then , started our work lo ..
The climax is ~~ DANG DANG DANG ~~!! Fizikal akitiviti.! It's fun fun fun ! There were spider nets - spiderman ? perhaps for boys nia .. - duck walk , rolling on the floor , zig-zag run .. etc .. The teahcer very bad la , didnt tell us to bring an extra shirt ,, haiz .. luckily i wore a red shirt. * MARIKH !! * .. Lolz .. then wont "zhou guang" maa .. haiyoo .. kekeke .. The 1st stesen , we already kena laa . the water .. Me & my partner - kah mei - , so murah hati neh , stand there & let them simbah .. = aiseh =
After this , Rest .. Chillex man ~!! all grab a seat in front of the fans .. Talked about our "journey" .. Like this Like that .. The kutuk ppl .. joke around . - very very sad - .. hehehe .. Erm , then was result time !! Yeah ! Our group was the BEST group for that day ! So happy .. ^^v But i think every group got their best part la .. Bengkel , kump. ceria , peserta terbaik .. Hohoho . Unluckily ... MY CAMERA OUT OF BATTERY !! Gosh .. the most memorable part neh .. no camera .. group photo laa .. sei forr .. haiz . always like that de ! Hate it ..
When group photo . we sengaja get all the ppl who's wearing rumah suakn shirt together .. LOlx . then shouting here & there , espeially this word " Beh Song " - hokkien - kekek get it ?? Then smile until ~ mouth also .. ki ki kaka .. -,-" kacau nya ... *shaking head *
Conclusion is , was a cool day for me & my frens ~!!! today when meet them in school .. all sakit here sakit there .. haha . Not thana lasak is like that de la .. So , when we wana ugut them or bully them , just beat their arm or legs .. keke . then ok ady .. * phew * .. When going downstairs also like OKU nia .. kakaka ..
Here's some picx to share with you all .. * sry that frienster cant support those picx, so i post it in my another site. Plz do visit this link . U may leave commen also .. If you're one of then candidates , can write down ur feeling for that day* here it is ~!!
- Apr 10 Mon 2006 20:35
Kursus Kepimpinan - 2006 -