recently , kinda into Big Bang mode .
not "The Big Bang Theory"
but the K-POP band ....
I like all of them .
the most i love is GD !!
knew this band around ... year 2007
with their song - Sunset Glow .
they're just around my age .
sunshine boyss all . xDD
talented & unique .
i duno the reason i like him .
or so call .. obsess ? LOL
cute ? talented ? natural ?
umm .. maybe . :P
fell for him after his song - heartbreaker .
"said this song plagarisme - Florida Right Round "
so end up, this song ft. with florida !!
waiting for them to come Malaysia .
and BANG together .
maybe that time , i changed ?
but still .. im supporting some artist i used to
so obsess in ..
u know me well , u'll know who im talking about .
that's all !
B to the I to the G
B to the ANG