Finally ~ !!!
monthly test is over .. yuhoo !!!
well .. this week .. not enough sleep .. after a paper .. sure i'll fall asleep ..
lolx .. perhaps .. I do hope that will have exam everyday .. so that i can
concentrate for my studies ~ If not .. I wont do my revison ..
I think .. i really have to burn my Midnight oil already ..
Really dont know how to take SPM in the end of year 2006 ..
haixxx ~
- Jul 14 Fri 2006 14:27
Finally ..
- Jul 09 Sun 2006 12:22
Happy birthday to Gary Cha w !
7th Of July ..
Gary Chaw's Birthday ! ! ! this was his 27th Birthday ..
hmm ~ getting older ? nope .. he become more mature , Handsome & talented !
他的才华,我想你们有目共睹 !
last 5 years , he was just a little singer ..
NOW , famous in whole Asia .. Busy for his promo tour .. such a tired life, but he did enjoy that !
why i love him so muCch ?
lolx .. this question ..
i think most of my frens know that ..
- talented
- cute
- his powerful voice !
- shy
- his performance was awesome ..
Once again ,,
wish ur dreams come true ya ! love ya lotss ..
=)) shan
- Jun 12 Mon 2006 16:44
1st day of school . . .
haih ~ school reopen again ...
so sien laaa ~ ~ ~ just came back from Alor Star, Kedah yesterday ...
first day of school..
wat's in ur mind ??
hmm ~ in my mind were... Perhimpunan, exam paper (yikes!), Frens ..
Today perhimpunan ..
the Pengetua.. keep say chinese useless.. conteng those wall ..
hey , i dont think is chinese did it..
if yes, also no need to say that mann...
在" 踩" 我 们 嘛 !!! memper-siao sui-kan .. lolz..
I was at the backstage .. luckily..
if not.. gonna fainted or fall asleep .. hahaha
Yeah !!!
i passed my add math !!!
hahaa .. but .. the marks still oklaa..
pass means ok ady .. hope can do better ~
it's hard mann.. -,-"
dont know why i'm taking this subject ..
then teachers gave back Chemistry my paper.. got a word " RUBBISH !" ..
oh myy ~ hahaha ..
then Biology .. still ok ..
Math i got it earlier already ...
BI arrr.. always get the same mark.. 60++ .. haizz..
oklah gtg to tuition already ..
Have a nice day !
- May 31 Wed 2006 23:24
很 高 兴 !
yeah !!! another 2 days , I'm going to GENTING !!! yuHoo !! cant wait for that day ~.
What event there ? there is 988 Birthday Bash mann ! over 20++ artist that night !
syokk nyerrr ~
I'm going there a night b4 the concert ~ and see them rehearsal ! can meet my fav idol ,
happy untill cannot sleep ady laaa...
hmm ~ let's giva ya some exp - Gary Cao, Daniel Lee, John & Des , Yee chung , Nicholas Teo ..
etc etc etc ~ hee hee .. and of cox 988 DeeJays too !
my dad told me that he gonna gimme a pass , then i can go backstage & take pic with them ~
ya , that's a good news... but~ i'm scare meeting them .. cox i'm shy ? Just like .. when u meet
the love one , u will also nervous right ? that's what i mena laa .. aiyoyoy.. hahaa ..
sometimes, see them, also not dare to talk to them laaa ..
well that night ~ I'm going to sit at Rock Zonee ~ !! standing dee .. tired if like that ..
but cool right ? hmm ~ and at there .. I'm going to meet some frens from GFC & DFC ~
it's a kind of fans clubb ~ Gary & daniel ~ .. ^^
so who ever going there ~ meet u guys there ya ! huggies ..
lots of love,
- May 29 Mon 2006 21:24
I MisS u ~ do u ? ?
toDayy .. my dear shared a love story with me ~
perhaps that's not a love story guaa ~ hee hee ~ her secret ?
hmm ~ cannot tell , bluek ~ haha
hmm ~ why i put " i like u , do u knOw that ?" ~
I guess u all know la .. cLever boys & girLs . .
ya , I do admire a guy ~ didnt talk with him b4 ~
just know what his name , & from what school onlyy ~ ONLY ~ ..
I regret that last year didnt join this class , maybe last year he oredi
in this class bahh ~
wHen u likes a boy or girl ~
izXit hard for u to start a topic & chat with him/ herr ?
that's y , until now . didnt say a word with him also ..
not dare to talk to him . . soo ~ what sould i do ? ? ? do nothing ~
for mee ~ study is more important laa~ SPM this year ..
failed it , i'll regret .LOVE ~ no one knows what's the meaning . .
it's hard to be explain , but u can feel itt ~ ya ? ^^
I dont know that did u all love a person without telling him ?
then did he/she knows that too ?
- missing youu `` -
- Apr 10 Mon 2006 20:35
Kursus Kepimpinan - 2006 -
This kursus khas for the Unit beruniform , persatuan + ke;ab's pemimpin . Such as pengerusi , setiausaha , bendahari .... This year was my 2nd year to attend this kursus. My 1st year was .... when I'm form two gua .. kekeke ..
Ok , let me tell u guyus sth about the kursus , * reviews * .. We reached there at 7.30am SHARP . - this is what a pemimpin should have - Lolz . But hor .. we wait & wait until 8.30am baru start ! then my frens all start grumble that teacher not on time .. haha . all took out all the nilai moral & started a new topic .. After that , pendaftaran loo . Then grab a NIce place * 2nd row* , cannot 'fishing' -,-" haiz .. Anyways, it started with our principal's ceramah .. About what should a pemimpin have .. like kepercayaan kepada Tuhan , teladan kpd orang lain . etc . This all , we all know ady . So all think that this ceramah was useless . Next was our PK Koko 's ceramah . This better . He teahces us how to prepare a Kertas Cadangan for a club or something ~ okies ..
Then we have a break continues with a bengkel . I was so lucky ! Most of my group member was my classmates !! hahaa ~ That's y our group is crazee .. We choose Lim Kar Wing as our ketua .. = aiks = Then , started our work lo ..
The climax is ~~ DANG DANG DANG ~~!! Fizikal akitiviti.! It's fun fun fun ! There were spider nets - spiderman ? perhaps for boys nia .. - duck walk , rolling on the floor , zig-zag run .. etc .. The teahcer very bad la , didnt tell us to bring an extra shirt ,, haiz .. luckily i wore a red shirt. * MARIKH !! * .. Lolz .. then wont "zhou guang" maa .. haiyoo .. kekeke .. The 1st stesen , we already kena laa . the water .. Me & my partner - kah mei - , so murah hati neh , stand there & let them simbah .. = aiseh =
After this , Rest .. Chillex man ~!! all grab a seat in front of the fans .. Talked about our "journey" .. Like this Like that .. The kutuk ppl .. joke around . - very very sad - .. hehehe .. Erm , then was result time !! Yeah ! Our group was the BEST group for that day ! So happy .. ^^v But i think every group got their best part la .. Bengkel , kump. ceria , peserta terbaik .. Hohoho . Unluckily ... MY CAMERA OUT OF BATTERY !! Gosh .. the most memorable part neh .. no camera .. group photo laa .. sei forr .. haiz . always like that de ! Hate it ..
When group photo . we sengaja get all the ppl who's wearing rumah suakn shirt together .. LOlx . then shouting here & there , espeially this word " Beh Song " - hokkien - kekek get it ?? Then smile until ~ mouth also .. ki ki kaka .. -,-" kacau nya ... *shaking head *
Conclusion is , was a cool day for me & my frens ~!!! today when meet them in school .. all sakit here sakit there .. haha . Not thana lasak is like that de la .. So , when we wana ugut them or bully them , just beat their arm or legs .. keke . then ok ady .. * phew * .. When going downstairs also like OKU nia .. kakaka ..
Here's some picx to share with you all .. * sry that frienster cant support those picx, so i post it in my another site. Plz do visit this link . U may leave commen also .. If you're one of then candidates , can write down ur feeling for that day* here it is ~!!
- Mar 31 Fri 2006 14:38
vote for OSTROVA ~ ! !
Hey people out there .. a guy to intro for you all .. His name is Cheng Ostrova .. Cool name is it ?
By the way , Let me tell you guys something about him ..
He's a guy that very very very good in dancing , emcee-ing .. He loves that ! But I missed to see how good is he .. BUT , trust me , he's great awesome !!!
Last time , he used to be the Emcee for a forum's gathering .. The guest was Daniel Lee Chee Hun .. * two thumbs up * Just cant believe that a young guy can do that !
I really admire him .. talented guy ~
So guys .. Vote for the deserving one . Make your choice wisely .. Of course there still got lot of contestant ..
here's some pic of him ..
Cheng Ostrova , special name .
He's really photogenic - -
Perhaps, he's emcee-ing ..
For more information about him .. you guys can visit this link ..
VOTE for him [ ]
More about him [ ]
** make your choice wisely .. & make his dream comes true [ attend the MTV Asia Award ] ~~ **
Thanks a lot.. and really appreciate all your votes !!
-= after u guys have vote for him , can leave a comment here , so that i know that u have vote for him .. and the reason as well . he'll happy to see it one day .. Thx =-
- Mar 31 Fri 2006 00:29
the love One ..
LOVe .. Everytime , everyday , evrymoment .. sure I'll heard someone ask " What is Love ? "
In your opinion , what is LOVE ?
Frankly , I'm not very sure what is love .. Everyone got their opinion about lOve .
Love . For me .
- you have to trust the love one no matter what he/ she did
- no jealous
- be patient
When you have a boy/ girl friend , make sure that he knows ur fren & you know his frens . So that when you guys hang out , wont be so .... "gan gak" right ?
erm .. Pak tor this thingy not very expert in it .. Yet , still ,I prefer to 暗恋 a person .. hehe . I dont know why .. Just better , Wont hurt you or him ..
It's nice .. Some more , It's just like the 推动力 for me to do something . keke .. weird ? I dont ppl out there got anyone like me ? Is that a puppy love ?
Recently , I did 暗恋 a guy in my tuition center , but i dont know him well .. lolz . Is like that de la .. Guess .... I didnt get to know him till I graduate in form 5 . After SPM , not going to meet him liao ...
haiz >,
all the best in LoVe !! Meet the Mr. or Mrs Right one day ya ~!@
- Mar 30 Thu 2006 23:59
LUdWiG ~
Emm.. ab0ut this guy .. I know him since I was young .. But that time ..A playful guy , even me nor frens , don't know that he got talent in MUSIC ~ since he graduted from primary school, he started his journey to his dream ..
Let me intro him 1st ..
Name " Ludwig
D.O.B " 27th August 1988
Horoscope " Virgo
Occupation " student at LimKokwWing College - [ Sound & Music design ]
hm ~ he plays piAnO, dRum, gUitaR, bAsS, ceLLo N..... mAjOr in VioLin & vOcAL...
He has a slogan for himself . lolz . " No MUSIC NO LUDWIG " That's because he's music lover . IN his life, without music just like no food for him .. Right ??
lOve to siNg aLL dA tiMe...
lOvE to cOmPosT...
lOvE sOuND...
lOvE to pErfOrm
He got an EP before . I think he's doing his album . Perhaps , he'll take pat in MI3 or ATQ or any singing competition .. ^^
here's some pic of him ~!
[ He as the violinist when my chunrch's caroling ]
[ That's he ]
[ and this is how his EP look like .. 2 songs inside ]
I think that's all from me about him .. = the link to his song " Alone "
- Mar 29 Wed 2006 00:02
happy birthday to JJ ~~
I'm here to wish my idol - JJ Lim , HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY !!! Yesterday was his birthday .. Dont know how he celebrate his birthday ? Woking ? resting ??
Anyways , all the best to him ..
I love all his songs so Much ! His voice .. can * melt * my heart .. lolz . Yes , it's true .. Every morning , when i tuned on the radio .. IS HIS SONG !! I will become very "jing shen" ..
hmm ~ dont know why .. there're the power of his songs bah .. hehe ^^"
Well , I still didnt get the chance to meet him .. - so sad - hope to meet him someday ya ~ When he smiling at you , I'm sure you will fall in love with him ~ *guys i don't know laa * hehe !!
Cox , when he smiles , very CUTE !!!
Lastly , wana wish JJ , my idol , Happy belated Birthday !! all the best + GOD bless you always ya ~~ *huGz*